Product Safety Consultants

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Free consumer advice - Make a product safety complaint - Product safety legal principles - latest UK recall notices - Recall statistics- UK Government advice to producers Find British Standards - Accredited UK testing laboratories -European Legislation - RAPEX notificiations - USA recalls and product safety complaints - RoSPAConsumer Risk Limited


CSEN offers access to a wide range of independent product safety compliance consultants and product liability expert witnesses working in the UK.

Each has a high level of knowledge or working experience relevant to some aspect of consumer safety : eg Regulations, Directives, general supplier duties and diligence, standards, design,  quality assurance, testing, consumer information, contact with enforcement bodies, product recalls procedures and protective measures  against  mechanical, electrical or chemical hazards in consumer products and foreseeable mistakes by users. 

The site acts as a niche directory for potential clients (such as importers, manufacturers, lawyers or public sector bodies) who are looking for one-off professional advice or contracted services from an individual product safety consultant with expertise on their particular area of concern.

CSEN also aims to develop professional networking between experts from the many disciplines and backgrounds that touch on consumer product safety issues.

Click here for free sources of help available to consumers, accident victims and students.